Sentralt i BBCs enorme musikktilbud står Robert Layton. Kjent i det internasjonale musikkliv for sin oversikt og sitt engasjement. Han er imponert over Kvandals “Antagonia”. Continue reading
BBC impressed by Norwegians
Robert Layton is a central figure in the BBC’s musical productions. Renowned on the international music scene for his overview and engagement. He is impressed by Johan Kvandal’s ‘Antagonia’ for orchestra.
Layton: – We should be listening to more music by Kvandal in England
Praises Norwegian music. – I am deeply impressed by the variety of the Norwegian music scene! It is not just anybody expressing the laudatory words: Robert Layton, a main character on the rich music scene in London.
The friend, composer, cultural personality – by Kjell Bækkelund
Johan Kvandal is today central to Norwegian music and cultural life. His unwavering belief in art’s authenticity has been the guiding star in his compositional work. He has triumphed by virtue of abilities, his great talent and a workforce and zeal that impresses.
Vennen, komponisten, kulturpersonligheten – av Kjell Bækkelund
Johan Kvandal står idag helt sentralt i norsk musikk- og kulturliv. Hans urokkelige tro på kunstens ekthet har vært ledestjernen i hans kompositoriske virke. Han har seiret i kraft av nevnte egenskap, sitt store talent og en arbeidsevne og iver som imponerer.