Med Kvandals bortgang er en epoke i norsk musikk avsluttet. Komponisten Johan Kvandal ville ha fylt 80 år denne måneden. Onsdag hyller en rekke utøvere hans minne ved en konsert i Aulaen.
– Music is something truly mysterious
My old pedagogue Nadia Boulanger once said: “The geniouses were great musicians. Without knowing it. But posterity knows that they also touched the mysterious”. This is how I regard the non-material in our existence, says Kvandal on the occasion of his 70th Anniversary.
– Musikk er noe ganske mysteriøst
Johan Kvandal, en av våre mest spilte samtidskomponister, høyt respektert musikkritiker i Aftenposten i en årrekke, plateprodusent for Klassikerserien, foredragsholder, kirkeorganist, med i styret i TONO og i Kulturrådets musikerutvalg, fersk småbarnsfar… har skrevet flereogseksti musikkverk. Ett av disse heter ‘Antagonia’. Det betyr motsetninger som hører sammen. Et forståelig tittelvalg. Continue reading
Kjell Bækkelund: Hans klangverden er internasjonal
Når dagens Musikk-Norge inntar en selvfølgelig plass på det internasjonale ‘kartet’, skyldes det ikke utelukkende orkestre og større ensembler, men enkeltpersoner hvis kapasitet og innsats bidrar til standarden. Som for eksempel flere av våre komponister. Her inntar den nå 75 år gamle Johan Kvandal en selvfølgelig plass.
Kjell Bækkelund: His world of sound is international
When today’s Music Norway occupies a natural place on the international map, it is due not only to orchestras and larger ensembles, but to many of our composers` capacities and efforts. The now 75-year-old Johan Kvandal keeps a natural place here.
Inspired and powerful
David Monrad Johansen and Johan Kvandal’s piano concertos have a virtuous flight, energy and are powerful masterpieces. The two composers were father and son, and both succeeding residence at the same property at Gyssestadkollen in Bærum. That complicated their relationship, but musically they had a lot in common.
Johan Kvandal om sin Hamsun- opera: – Jeg leter efter det egentlige
Den mysteriøse Johan Kvandal
– Hvorfor jeg synes ‘Mysterier’ egner seg som opera? Å jo, dette markante persongalleriet egner seg briljant på scenen: Johan Nilsen Nagel – ‘i en avstikkende gul dragt og med en vid fløjels hue’, Dagny Kielland – ‘med en tyk gul flætte nedad ryggen’ (…) Continue reading
Kvandal on his Hamsun opera: – I am looking for the genuine
– I was in Stockholm the other day and saw an opera about a composer who was unable to finish his commissioned opera. I couldn’t get back home to my piano quickly enough, to mye stacks of blank sheet music and Hamsun Books. Says Johan Kvandal in his home at the outskirts of Oslo, adding note by note to what will hopefully become an opera built on Hamsun novel Mysteries, all while the National Theatre cast all stage lighting on Knut Hamsun.
Audience success and a musical vitamin injection
The composer Johan Kvandal’s opera ‘Mysteries’, opus 75, was premiered in the Norwegian Opera on Saturday. It was a winner with the audience and a musical vitamin injection. Broadly constructed, it has an impact both as a musical work and as a theatrical performance.